We Invite YOU to FebFest 2023
with Dr. André Thomas

Saturday, February 4, 2023 – 9am-5pm (with breaks!) Sing, learn, discuss, grow!
Concert Sunday, February 5, 2023 – 3pm at Basilica of St. Francis in Santa Fe
Join Coro Lux and the United Church of Santa Fe as we welcome our guest clinician, world-renowned composer and conductor, Dr. André Thomas, for our annual event honoring the contributions of African American composers and conductors, FebFest. Dr. Thomas is currently an associate artist with the London Symphony Orchestra, and has spent his career as one of the most sought-after conductors and choral clinicians in the field. Learn more about Dr. Thomas here.
This event is a non-auditioned choral music festival, open to anyone with a passion for singing, and an interest in learning from Dr. Thomas. You do not need to be enrolled in Coro Lux as a member.
Proof of vaccination will be required for the in-person event, and masks will be worn by all in attendance.
This year’s festival will be from 9am-5pm on Saturday, February 4th at the United Church of Santa Fe. The festival will culminate with an afternoon concert at the historically significant and acoustically fantastic Basilica of St Francis at 3pm on Sunday, February 5th.
The cost is $75, which includes Saturday lunch and copies of the music we’ll sing on Sunday. We will continue to offer this event in a virtual form, for the price of $50.
A free-will offering at Sunday’s concert will benefit Habitat for Humanity.