We Invite YOU to FebFest 2022
with Dr. Rosephanye Dunn Powell,
Dr. Richard Antoine White and more!

Saturday, February 19, 2022 – 9am-5pm (with breaks!) Sing, learn, discuss, grow!
Concert Sunday, February 20, 2022 – 2pm
Register below for Coro Lux’s annual FebFest22, (formerly JanFest) featuring the music of our guest composer and conductor, Dr. Rosephanye Powell. Dr. Powell has been hailed as one of America’s premier women composers of solo vocal and choral music. As a choral composer, Dr. Powell has an impressive catalog of works published by some of the nation’s leading music publishers. She is commissioned yearly to compose for university choruses, professional, community and church choirs, as well as secondary school choruses.
Dr. Powell’s works include sacred and secular works for mixed chorus, women’s chorus, men’s chorus, and children’s voices. She has been Professor of Voice at Auburn University since 2001, and holds degrees from The Florida State University, Westminster Choir College and Alabama State University.
An added bonus this FebFest22 will be the inspirational talk and book signing, given by UNM professor of tuba and euphonium, Richard Antoine White. Dr. White is currently the only African-American male full professor of tuba in the country and has performed with the Canadian Brass Quintet, Indiana University Faculty Brass Quintet, and the symphony orchestras of Baltimore, Colorado, the Malaysian Philharmonic, the Santa Fe Opera, and at the Spoleto Music Festival USA, among many others.
He recently released an autobiographical book entitled I’m Possible, about his journey from homelessness to becoming an accomplished musician, professor and motivational speaker. He’s been featured on The Today Show, PBS Newshour, CBS Evening News and more, and his positivity, incredible story and deeply inspiring message will be a treat for all who hear it.
This event is a non-auditioned choral music festival, open to anyone with a passion for singing, and an interest in learning from Dr. Powell. You do not need to be enrolled in Coro Lux as a member. You will, however, be asked to show proof of vaccination for this event, and masks will be required for the entirety of the event—including all singing.
Given in conjunction with the United Church of Santa Fe (1804 Arroyo Chamiso, Santa Fe), and held in their sanctuary, FebFest22 IN-PERSON is sure to sell out. With only 90 in-person spots and all of northern New Mexico invited, those places will go quickly! We have added an ON-LINE (VIRTUAL) option as well. The event will take place February 19th and 20th, from 9am-5pm on Saturday, with a concert given on Sunday at 2pm. For IN-PERSON attendees, a light lunch will be provided Saturday and is included in the registration fee of $65, as is sheet music for the event. Sheet music will also be available for ON-LINE (VIRTUAL) attendees to downloada a few days before the event.
We’re looking forward to singing with you!
As part of FebFest22, we are collecting for the New Mexico chapter of NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness), an organization of families, friends and individuals whose lives have been affected by mental illness. Together, we advocate for better lives for those individuals who have a mental illness. Please consider clicking the Donate button below to contribute to this worthy cause. To learn more, visit naminewmexico.org